Social science has shown that protests are more successful when they are fighting against something rather than campaigning for something. When it comes to addressing climate change do you know what the solutions are? And how we might go about achieving them?
Zion Lights is a passionate science advocate and environmental writer who wants to change the world for the better. In this talk she will be discussing the evolution of climate action, what it’s gotten right and wrong and what it needs to do next, from the perspective of a long term climate activist.
Zion Lights is a science communicator who is known for her environmental advocacy work. She is Founder of the evidence-based climate activism group Emergency Reactor. She is author of The Ultimate Guide to Green Parenting, and a keen astronomer who has given a TED talk on stargazing. She is the former Editor of The Hourglass, Extinction Rebellion’s print newspaper and has written for The Metro, Die Welt,, Marianne, The Telegraph, City AM, BBC Wildlife Magazine, Resurgence magazine, The Green Parent, The Ecologist and many other publications. Zion has also appeared on BBC Politics Live, Good Morning Britain, Sky News Australia, The Andrew Neil Show and France 24.
Informative and reflective, this talk will be assessing the successes and failures of the environmental movement whilst focussing on current solutions we can action, now.
45-minute talk, followed by opportunity for audience questions
This event is a donation point for The Homeless Period
Win a signed copy of Zion's book The Ultimate Guide To Green Parenting in the raffle - proceeds go to START
Free entry – booking essential (if you can no longer attend, please return your tickets so someone else can)